Jeff Wilson on Modern Post Play, Mentoring Assistants into Head Coaches, and the Benefits of Pressure {East Stroudsburg}

Slappin’ Glass sits down this week with the highly successful Head Coach of NCAA DII East Stroudsburg, Jeff Wilson! Coach Wilson generously shares his thoughts on a number of topics including teaching  modern post play, mentoring assistant coaches into Head Coaches, and the trio explore the benefits of full court pressure and under-cover offensive value traits during the always fun “Start, Sub, or Sit?!”

Inside the Episode

One of the great coaches in NCAA DII basketball joined us on the podcast this week in East Stroudsburg University Head Coach, Jeff Wilson. Coach Wilson is a highly successful and respected coach who graciously shared his thoughts on a number of subjects including:

  • Mentoring Assistant Coaches into Head Coaches: Coach Wilson has a history of helping mentor young assistants that go on to become successful Head Coaches themselves. We had one of his former assistants, Justin Potts, on the show just a few weeks ago! In this section Coach Wilson describes the roles, responsibilities, and advice he gives his assistants to help them grow. Great points throughout this section. 
  • The Art of Playing Through the Post: East Stroudsburg plays a unique brand of basketball, as they’re known for both their full court pressing mentality and their commitment to play through the post. We explored this philosophy with Coach Wilson and picked his brain on how he teaches his team to play through the post on a consistent basis. 
  • “Start, Sub, or Sit?!”: In this segment we just had to ask Coach Wilson about the benefits of pressing as well as Great Cutters. Fun as always.