Mike Lombardi on Problem-Solving, Crucial Conversations, and Building Staffs {NFL Executive/Coach}

In this cross-sport conversation, Slappin’ Glass sits down with ex-NFL Executive and Owner of the highly popular “Daily Coach” leadership site, Mike Lombardi. The trio dive into the areas of Problem-Solving vs. Critical Decisions, how to find answers to tough questions, building the culture of great staffs, having crucial conversations, and talk about the value of Mr. Miyagi during the always fun “Start, Sub, or Sit?!”.

Mike Lombardi: Inside the Episode

We had the opportunity this week to sit down with one of the brightest and most sought-after minds in the realm of high-level leadership in sports, former NFL Executive and coach under Bill Belichick, Mike Lombardi.

In a jam-packed 40 minute episode we covered a ton of interesting areas of leadership and program management including:

  • What the best leaders do when they don’t know the answers to tough problems?
    • What processes and mental models coaches need to think about when working through uncertainty.
  • Tough Practices and the Role of Good Habits
    • What Belichick and Bill Parcells did so well when it came to practices and habit formation in an organization.
  • Staff Dynamics – Hiring, Firing, and Sticky Situations
    • How to have the hard conversations and the type of culture that needs to be in place to navigate tough situations.
  • “Start, Sub, Sit?!”
    • We get serious about Mr. Miyagi, Gordon Bombay, Selfish Players, Humor in Coaching, and more.
  • The best investment Mike’s made in his career

It’s a highly valuable interview from Mike Lombardi on the things that matter when it comes to winning, culture, and keeping your job.