Ivan Rudez on Post Passing, Conflict Theory, and the Three Frontiers of Coaching { Croatian Pro Coach }

Slappin’ Glass sits down with Croatian Professional Coach and former Head Coach of the Slovakia National Team, Ivan Rudez. The trio discuss the “Three Frontiers of Coaching” (players, managers, and media), teaching passing technique to youth and pros, the art of “post passing”, conflict theory in the locker room, and break down Pressing After Time Outs and Losing Seasons during the always fun “Overrated/Underrated?!”.

Inside the Episode: Ivan Rudez

Our around-the-world travels on the Slappin’ Glass Podcast led us this week to the highly respected Croatian Professional Coach, Ivan Rudez. A fantastic teacher, thinker, and communicator of the game, Coach Rudez has had stops as the Head Coach of the Slovakia Men’s National Team, as well as with clubs in top leagues in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Austria.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Coach Rudez and explore his thoughts and experiences on:

  • The Three Frontiers of Coaching
    • How coaches can develop their skills in dealing with Players, Management, and Media, and why it’s so important to do so.
  • Building Better Passers
    • How to teach footwork, hand-placement, and pivoting to youth and pros
  • Post Passing
    • Strategies and thoughts on passing out of the post
  • “Overrated/Underrated?!”
    • We returned to this always fun segment and asked about:
    • The Process of Writing a Book” (Coach Rudez has written a basketball methodology book)
    • “Going Under Ballscreens”
    • “Losing Seasons”
    • “Changing Defenses ATO”