“Box & 1” vs The Pop

Defending a Pick & Pop 5-Man with a Box & 1.

Over the past summer and into the early months of this season, we have extensively examined the merits of “popping” the big in the PnR, particularly the 5-Man, and its associated advantages and stresses it may impose on the defense. We also discussed this topic at length in our podcast conversations with Coach, Pablo Laso, (Bayern Munich) and Coach, Chus Mateo, (Real Madrid), and how popping against “Drop” or “Ice” coverages that aim to keep their slower-footed, rim-protecting bigs near the rim places a tremendous amount of pressure on the defense if that popping big can 1) shot, 2) attack downhill, or 3) is a great DHO/PNR connector on the next action. 

The pressure this pop can put on the defense can come in a variety of ways:

  • the need for quick rotations and stunts on the backside,
  • forcing the big to defend on the perimeter,
  • the puzzle of quickly identifying matchups that may or may not need to be switched out,
  • and, as Coach Mateo articulated in the podcast, compelling the big to demonstrate their proficiency as a PnR defender before reacting to secondary action…

Even when the defense boasts a mobile big capable of defending on the perimeter, the pop can still pose defensive challenges. As we discussed with College Park Skyhawks Head Coach, Ryan Schmidt, as well as in our own, “Creating Long Closeouts” Clinic, popping the big to initiate a “Long DHO” or second-side action can nullify the defense’s capacity to be disruptive in ball screens. This approach also tests the big’s ability to defend against multiple actions on both sides of the court.

In this week’s breakdown we’ll look at a unique way the Spanish Club, Basket Girona, attempted to neutralize this popping action. Understanding the merits of the pop and knowing the strengths of their defensive big, last year Basket Girona was presented a match up dilemma when Marc Gasol was put in a PnR situation with then Valencia center, Dojan Dubljevic, who shot almost 45% from three last year. Knowing they would face a steady diets of pops they opted to protect Gasol by defending Dubljevic with a Box & 1 anytime they shared the court together. This week’s full breakdown on SGTV looks into:

  • Neutralizing the Pop
  • Fronting the Post and Mismatch Situations
  • Rebounding Responsibilities
  • Defending various actions and counters 

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