Insights on Leadership

Today’s episode is a little different. We have put together a few of our favorite conversations from the first 3 + months of 2023 about the art of coaching and leadership. You’ll hear about teaching toughness, in-game emotions, motivating players, leading your best players, “the power of 3”, and much more from the likes of Jeff Van Gundy, Mike D’Antoni, Cheryl Reeve, Pablo Laso, Peter Lonergan, and more. 

Inside the Episode

We did something a little different on the podcast this week, as we went back through some of the most popular episodes over the first part of 2023 and pulled out our favorite conversations around Leadership and Coaching. We love diving into the technical and tactical part of the game at likely an unhealthy level, but this week’s episode focuses on the more important fundamentals of leading and coaching teams outside of the X’s and O’s. In this week’s podcast you’ll hear from:

  • Jeff Van Gundy on Motivating and Coaching through rough times
  • Cheryl Reeve on Teaching Toughness 
  • Mike D’Antoni on managing locker rooms where your best players aren’t your best leaders
  • Peter Lonergan on “The Power of 3” and developing your ability to teach
  • Pablo Laso on handling egos during losses or losing streaks
  • And more!!