Dr. Gio Valiante on Humiliation and Losing, Mastery Orientation, and Understanding Confidence

Slappin’ Glass is joined this week by one of the world’s most successful and sought-after high performance coaches, Dr. Gio Valiante. Dr. Gio is renown for his work with pro golfer, NBA and NFL players and coaches, and some of the top investors on Wall Street. The trio dive into an interesting conversation on humiliation and loss, mastery vs. ego orientations, goal setting, and discuss understanding confidence and building resilient teams during the always fun “Start, Sub, or Sit?!”

Inside the Episode

We were happy to be joined this week by one of the world’s most successful and sought-after high performance coaches, Dr. Gio Valiante! Dr. Gio is renown for his work with pro golfer, NBA and NFL players and coaches, and some of the top investors on Wall Street. We dove into some interesting and important concepts in the realm of coaching and high performance including:

  • An interesting conversation on the role of Humiliation and Losing in coaching
  • Mastery vs. Ego Orientations 
  • The Elements of Proper Goal Setting
  • And discuss Understanding Confidence and Building Resilient Teams during the always fun “Start, Sub, or Sit?!”