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Play the “Hits”

In the spirit of March Madness, one of the biggest gambling events of the year, we’re “doubling down” on what has become one of our most dissected defensive strategies of late—”Hits.” Over the last few years, we’ve amassed several different “Hit” strategies for coaches to consider as a way to gain an extra possession, play the expected PPP odds, and/or disrupt an offense’s reliance on primary shot creators. Originally introduced to us on the podcast by Coach Nate Babcock, who championed the merits of “Hitting” during end-of-quarter/halftime possessions as a strategy to take the offense out of their late-clock ISO/PNR concepts and bait

Preventing the Triple Switch

This time of year, it’s always worth a second, third, or even fourth look at offensive strategies aimed at attacking defensive switching in the ballscreen. This is especially true as teams begin facing opponents multiple times in a season, as switching can become a powerful tool to disrupt offensive flow and stymie sets or actions late in the year. In past newsletters, we’ve highlighted offensive strategies to exploit the perimeter mismatches, like “Drive the Wake” {🔒}… or through a variety of dribble pitches to attack the big on the perimeter {🔒}… Today, we’ll show some love to the bigs by highlighting a clever “short

Isolation Rim Seals

In recent seasons, we’ve seen a rise in the success of offenses led by diminutive guards who thrive on pushing the pace and breaking down defenses with dribble penetration—perhaps best exemplified by Coach Tuomas Iisalo’s (now with the Memphis Grizzlies) former teams featuring TJ Shorts at Telekom Bonn and Paris. Paris has continued this success and doubled down on the small-guard trend by adding Nadir Hifi into the mix. When studying Paris and other clubs that build their offenses around small guards, we’ve enjoyed analyzing the various strategies they use on both ends of the floor—maximizing their guards’ strengths while mitigating


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